揭密!大�街��子乞丐的�口是怎�做的 在街上�常��常看到一些�痕累累的乞丐,看到那�的�口不禁的�你感到同情,但是今天要�大家���局大揭密!�大家以後�清街��子利用大家的同情心行乞,以防上�! 1-��材料��色墨水、菜瓜布、白乳�、牙�(��都可以)、棉花棒,�墨水不像的�也可用�物血。 material - red ink, cotton pad,white glue, tooth pick (tiny sticks). cotton wool, if no red ink you can use animal blood 2-先用白乳��你要的'�口'���上去 Use white glue o create the wound surrounding 3-等到白�略乾� wait for the glue to dry 4-用牙��快乾的白�分散弄出「疤」 Use tooth pick to create the wound area 5-用菜瓜布�多�的白��分散 Use a dishwasher pad to spread the extra glue 6-用棉花棒沾��墨水(一�就好)�抹在四周�造擦�的痕� Use little drop of red ink to create the outside scratched area 7-�菜瓜布沾��墨水一�(一�就好不要太多)�抹在白�四周加�'擦�的痕�'疤' Use cotton pad with red ink (not too much) to strengthen the surrounding scratched area 8-�略乾�,半成品 When dry, half done 9-用竹����的白�掀一些起�.�作�皮�口 Use tooth pick to spread the glue to create the broken skin 10-��墨水途抹在白��� Use red ink to put at the inside of the glue 11-有的墨水放多一�跟少一��逼真 Some place with more and some with less ink. Then will look more real 12-等乾中 wait to dry 13-完成! finished Such good con artistry ! |
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