Look For The Good In Each Other


Today • Tuesday • June 24, 2008


By Dr Bill Maier


Do me a favour. Look around and locate something that’s green. If you’re in the car, you may see a green light or a green car. Whatever the case, I’ll bet you didn’t have much trouble, did you?


My good friends, Les and Leslie Parrott, often use that experiment in their seminars and their point is, it’s not hard to find something if you’re looking for it. They explain that that’s true in marriages as well.


Everyone has flaws and couples often tend to look for the bad in each other. If you think your spouse is lazy, you’ll find yourself looking for actions that prove your point.


If you think they’re deceitful, you’ll find ways not to trust them. Whatever you have in your mind, you’ll find evidence to support it.


The key to building a strong marriage is to focus on the good, instead of the bad. You’re bound to find whatever you look for, so why not look for something positive?


And don’t forget to praise them when you find it.

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